First Year
- Family Medicine 101
- Inpatient Medicine
- Inpatient Medicine
- Outpatient Pediatrics
- Gynecology
- Obstetrics
- Emergency Medicine
- Surgery/Wound Care
- Community Med/Night Float
- Neonatal/Psych
- Pop Health/Night Float
- Vacation/Night Float
Second Year
- Inpatient Medicine
- Inpatient Medicine
- Inpatient Pediatrics
- OB Continuity
- Senior ER/Elective
- Obstetrics
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine
- Rheumatology/Med Selective
- Cardiology/Radiology
- Elective
- Dermatology w/Elective
- Elective/Night Float
- Vacation/ Night Float
Third Year
- Inpatient Medicine
- Inpatient Medicine
- Geriatrics
- Senior ER
- OB Continuity/Elective
- Neurology/Med Selective
- ENT/Urology / Pain Management
- Ambulatory Pediatrics
- Orthopedics/Sports Medicine
- Elective
- Elective
- Elective/Night Float
- Vacation/Night Float
Family Health Center and Private Office Sessions
In addition to the rotations, residents provide comprehensive care for their panel of patients in the Family Health Center. First-year residents have one to two half days in the office per week; second-year residents have two to four half days in the office per week, and third-year residents have three to four half days in the office per week. Also in the third year, there is an additional half day in a private family medicine physician's office. This physician is selected by the resident. This experience allows the resident to function as a colleague in a medical practice.